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Telegram X
193 reviews
4.7 M downloads

Telegram's official alternative client

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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Telegram X is the official (yes, you read that right) client spawned by no less than the original Telegram itself; here to offer users a quicker and more fluid browsing experience than its predecessor. Why would the official Telegram app create its own improved, independent clone? Not without good reason, as this newest version is based on the TDLib library which is laying the groundwork for the future of Telegram.

To the naked, untrained eye, any differences between Telegram and Telegram X go unnoticed. Given that Telegram X basically offers a simpler, more streamlined interface for chats while adding in a new tab for making calls to its main screen. From your settings options, you'll also notice that there are several new possibilities when it comes to customizing your interface including a night mode display and bubble-chat box options.

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In terms of useable features, Telegram X does exactly what the original Telegram does -- with a few new tricks. Regardless, you'll still get to send text messages, voice messages, send photos, videos and large files, docs, links, GIFs, emojis and a long list of etc, as per usual.

Essentially, Telegram X is an excellent alternative to Telegram which is already a standalone success of an IM app. What 'X' offers is better performance and a wider array of features. In any case, the future of Telegram is now already among us, and it is very promising.

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Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Frequent questions

What's the difference between Telegram and Telegram X?

The difference between Telegram and Telegram X is that the latter has a faster and lighter interface. It's like Telegram Lite, thanks to using a lighter engine. It also has experimental features that Telegram does not have.

How do I use Telegram X?

Telegram X is used in the same way as Telegram. You have to enter the telephone number associated with your account. After that, you will receive a code, and you will be able to use your Telegram account in Telegram X.

Is Telegram X still receiving updates?

Telegram X is still receiving updates as its development is fully active. Thus, in Telegram X, you can enjoy many new features that also come to the main Telegram application.

Information about Telegram X

Package Name org.thunderdog.challegram
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Social
Language English
28 more
Author Telegram LLC
Downloads 4,706,816
Date Aug 17, 2024
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Aug 18, 2024
apk Android + 5.0 Aug 16, 2024
apk Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Aug 16, 2024
apk Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Aug 17, 2024
apk Android + 5.0 Jun 11, 2024
apk Android + 4.1, 4.1.1 Jun 16, 2024

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193 reviews


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youngbrownlion37781 icon
1 week ago

so fast so good

cleverredduck64721 icon
2 weeks ago

Tell me how to download app

fastgreenpapaya45638 icon
30 days ago

I love it I'm happy

lazypurpleorange39956 icon
30 days ago

Telegram arrived well but I don't know if it's better with Telegram

freshgreyorange9284 icon
1 month ago


wildgoldenbanana34438 icon
1 month ago

Telegeram x


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